

Welcome to my blog. I am a writer, a voice actor, a working mom, an audiobook narrator, a singer and a Crossfitter. I love health and wellness, animals, the outdoors, rock ‘n roll and adventures of all kinds. I’m also a bit of a process junkie! I believe we’re all Students of Life, and we’re here to learn and grow together. Let’s have a good time, support each other through the tough spots and spread some light while we’re here!

Doing the Thing

Doing the Thing

I did it! I signed up for the thing! You know, that thing. The one you've always wanted to do, for about twenty years, but it didn't seem practical, or there was never a good time, or you didn't know which one to take, or who you could trust. And it just seemed so outside of every other thing you do. And it didn’t really have anything to do with building your career or furthering your trajectory, or anything like that…

Yeah. That thing. I did it. I took a leap of faith.

As soon as I did it, I felt the energy of YES! This was the right thing to do.

It’s funny how one can wallow around in uncertainty for sooo long, eventually talking oneself out of something, over and over again, for years.

Eh, forget it...I don’t really need to do this right now. I’ll do it next time. Later.

But when we jump, like I did last night, when we finally honor that little voice...we feel the grand rumble of magic. The universe meeting us where we are and lining up, almost instantaneously, to support our calling.

My cash flow is crap right now. It has been for months. I could have used that as a legit excuse. But the truth is, this was recommended by someone I value and resonate with, and I’ve made some space in my life, and there was a payment plan offered... and ya know what? It’s time.

It’s time to do those things. Those things you’ve always wanted to do. I’ve been saying this for a while now - Someday is TODAY. It’s here.

What are you sitting on? What are you waiting for? What are you talking yourself out of? How about banking on yourself? Trusting your inner voice? Taking a step out in the direction of your dreams?

You’ll never know unless you try. And you can never earnestly try if you don’t sign up for the thing. Or make the phone call. Or go to that place. Or talk to that person. Or whatever it is.

It’s my mission this year to live fully, RIGHT NOW, into the life I want. To start doing the things. To create the life of my dreams as I go along, by living it into existence.

Do the thing. I promise you, it’ll feel great once you make that commitment - that agreement with the universe - yes, I want this

When you dare to call it out, and put action behind it, something happens. Atoms are rearranged. Paths open.

The universe loves heart choices. So does your inner child. Maybe stop being the parent for a minute. Be the kid. Give the kid what the kid wants - just because. Because it’s FUN. Because the thought of it energizes you. Excites you. Stimulates or entices you. Calls to you.

Heed the call! Who knows what will happen?

What I do know: Spring is here, butterflies are messengers (LA, you know what I’m talking about!) and newness abounds. Trust your Gut. Live into it.

Sick Days

Sick Days

Blessing & Releasing

Blessing & Releasing