All in Life


We’ve all grown a lot in a year haven’t we? It feels like a dog year for sure - seven years of learning packed into those 365 days. We cleaned and cleared. Streamlined and simplified. Faced demons and got in touch with what’s really important. We endured brutal loss, said goodbye to so much, and were brought to our knees over and over again in a spiral loop that seemingly had no end.

The New Normal

Turns out I hate feeling confined. I guess I knew that, but I’ve been hit in the gut with it the past couple days.
If I consider quarantine too closely, I feel claustrophobic. The idea that I can’t go anywhere.


I always love the last week of the year. The feeling of being “done”, of resting in what is and what has been, taking stock and sending that up with joy and appreciation, quietly tuning in to the frequency of what will come next. 

This morning I woke up early and came out to my still darkened living room. I looked around and felt such overflowing gratitude for all we’ve created over this last decade. It’s been a huge one for many of us.

Back from NY

What an amazing trip we had to New York. It’s taken me a solid week to decompress. 

For some reason I’m always kind of shocked at how much a trip across country takes out of me; this one was no exception. The three hour time difference, coupled with falling back out of Daylight Savings time, traveling solo with a toddler, plus all the BIG EVENTS packed into ten days: multiple family gatherings and visits, old-friend meet ups, Halloween, my HIGH SCHOOL REUNION, and on into my birthday...all of it somehow a divinely timed exclamation point on the deep re-examination and releasing of my past I’ve been dancing with this whole year.

Deep Dive

I’ve been doing a deep dive into some inner work. The time has come. You know when you get that message? Your inner voice whispers -- it’s TIME -- do the next level of excavation! This stuff is embedded pretty down deep in the bedrock, but I feel it loosening and dissolving rather willingly. Though I’m in the thick of it, it’s not stressful or traumatic, like it might have been in the past. I don’t feel constantly triggered, I’m not acting out, or in despair. This time around there’s more of a healthy distance, as if I’m taking an observer’s birds eye view.


I was stretching after my workout on Friday and realized I hadn’t told a soul about a massive milestone achievement I unlocked two days before. I kicked up into a handstand. Totally by myself. And held it. For a good, solid amount of time. This might not sound like a huge deal to some people, but for me, it’s HUGE.

Gratitude and Moving Forward with Heart

It's easy to become complacent about things. Recently I was reflecting on the beginning of my voiceover journey and how thrilling that time was for me. To land at William Morris Endeavor, to be “granted” a career after years and years and years of wishing and wanting to be able to make money from my acting. I worked

Sick Days

I have been sick for many weeks now. It’s kind of insane. I am somebody who never gets sick, or who never used to. Enter, toddler going to daycare. Ugh. Joe and I - all of  us - have been more sick in this past year than ever before. 

Being sick when your kid is also sick is a particular kind of hell. I think I’m getting used to it. I have resorted to the tv babysitter. It can’t be helped. 

Doing the Thing

I did it! I signed up for the thing! You know, that thing. The one you've always wanted to do, for about twenty years, but it didn't seem practical, or there was never a good time, or you didn't know which one to take, or who you could trust. And it just seemed so outside of every other thing you do. And it didn’t really have anything to do with building your career or furthering your trajectory, or anything like that…

Blessing & Releasing

The last week has been potent, with new energy ushered in and the start of a brand new seven year cycle. I’ve found myself in need of extra rest! The stillness reveals insights: where I’m still holding on, what I need to let go of or release, and how to do that with love.